
Meet new people in person! Speed Dating events are all about allowing single people to meet one another, have a short chat, and see if something sparks to want to continue the conversation. You never know who you'll meet, how many friends you'll make or maybe you meet THE ONE!

Speed Dating could be a little intimidating, or perhaps you don't think is highly effective.... to help you make a decision here are some things you may not know about of Speed Dating.

8 benefits of Speed Dating:


1. If you are like most single people, speed dating events can be a great way to quickly meet large numbers of new individuals without having to invest too much time per person. If you are taking part in a Speed Dating event, be ready to ask important questions that can be deal-breakers for you so you can weed out people more quickly and not waste time.

2. Unlike dating apps that only let you vet your dating prospects through five pictures and a bio with a character count, you get to meet people in the flesh?hear their voice, get a glimpse of their personality and see how they interact with others.

3. Because you have already met in person, you know he/she most likely is not a creep and you will not be stuck in an awkward situation, thereby relieving one of the biggest worries about meeting people from dating sites.

4. Because you are meeting at an event catered towards dating, you know the other party is just as interested and serious about finding a relationship, taking a lot of the guesswork out of meeting online or even in person, where people's intentions may lie a little more in the gray area and where they might not represent their true self.

5. You can learn a lot quickly if there's a spark. If the level of interest is mutual, you can extend the conversation. It is totally acceptable to ask possible matches to join you for a drink or dinner after the Speed Dating Event.

6. It is a fun experience! You get to dress up, enjoy a night out at a restaurant or club, but with a far better chance of finding love than on a normal night. 

7. The chances to make new friends are very high. Most people who attend Speed Dating events do it alone, and are looking to make new friendships with other single people. If you are new to the area, ask for feedback about local restaurants, hiking spots, and other local attractions.

8. Speed Dating is affordable. You will get to go on at least 10 mini dates in one night for a very low cost and because everyone comes on their own, everyone pays for their drinks and food. (Don't get stuck with the bill while wasting time with someone you really don?t want to be with.) ?

I can go on and on about the benefits of Speed Dating but you will have to see it for yourself. The possibilities are endless. Come with an open mind and see it as the first step towards finding THE ONE!

Check out Greenville Singles' Speed Dating Events